ARSE Digest 3: Hippy Stellar Wind, Magical Galaxy, And The "Green Lady To Name A Few
In this weeks nuggets of pure space photography, we discover the rosy shapes of some nifty nebulas, and the wildfires in the U.S. are monitored by satellites providing captivating photography.
Stars Paint A 'Stellar Rose'
Image credit: L. Decin, ESO/ALMA
Oh you didn't know stars could paint?
They can, but not in the way you think.
They might't have a cosmic paintbrush at the ready, but they still provide some eerily beautiful pictures aagainst the stark backdrop of space.
The stellar wind pattern emerges from the shiny star in the centre named R Aquilae. The wind is a stream of particles that gradually flow out into space from the mass of the star itself.
An Amazing View Of The Amazon
Image credit: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
The Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite shot this unique look of the 6,575km Amazon River through two different polarisation lenses.
The mission aims to provide "independent operational capability for continuous radar mapping of the Earth".
The two polar orbiting satellites can use combined data to obtain phtographic imagery no matter day or night, or in the presence of inclimate weather.
Nicholas Roemmelt's "The Green Lady"
Image credit: Nicholas Roemmelt
Representative of a lady in a flowing green dress is Norway's Northern Lights shot by photographer Nicholas Roemmelt. The photo over the Nordic snowy mountain tops won ''Aurorae Winner'' prize in the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2020 competition.
Award winning "Purely Magical" Nextdoor Neighbour
Image credit: Nicolas Lefaudeux
This mental three dimensional look at the Andromeda Galaxy won best in show at the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2020 competition. Photographer Nicolas Lefaudeux captured the image using a specialised 3D printed custom camera attachment to create the effect of depth. One judge loved the image so much he called it "purely magical".
The Brown Blanket Of The West Coast Wildfires
Image credit: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
The amount of smoke spewing from upwards of 100 California wildfires as seen from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite on September 10th. The wildfires have oncreased their coverage, spreading into neighbouring Washington and Oregon.
Below is how the spreading plumage looks from NASA's EPIC camera aboard the NOAA Deep Space Climate Observatory spacecraft on on Sept. 9, 2020.
Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Ship Hop
Image credit: SpaceX
SpaceX's starship does its best two-legged marsupial impression and successfully "hops" just over 150m on the 3rd of September in Boca Chica, South Texas. When fully operational, the Starship program aims to fly a wide range of missions, namely to the Moon and Earth with passengers.
The Serpent's Eye In Hydra (NGC 2835)
Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Lee, and the PHANGS-HST Team Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt
The nicknamed Serpent's Eye in the Hydra contellation shines as brightly as ever in this image caught by the Hubble Space Telescope. Although its only half the size of the Milky Way, it's supermassive black hole at the centre is millions of times more massive than our sun at its centre.
That's all from us for this week!
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