SpaceX To Dull Their Starlink Satellite Constellation, Caves To Complaints.
You can say what you want about SpaceX and Elon Musk, but they are on the right side of the fence when it comes to hearing reason.
When Starlink hit the skies in May of this year, the reception was a mix of child-like adoration and grumpy astronomer jeers.
SpaceX has received much criticism from the astronomy community for the implementation of their artificial constellation tasked with bringing high-speed internet to the world.
Starlink has already photobombed the half a billion-dollar Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project has already caused a stir.
Watch the video of the first Starlink batch streak across the sky here.
The first 60 satellites were seen through the ultra-sensitive lens of the LSST generating a less than perfect view of the interstellar universe astronomers had hoped for.
As it stands, the 60 satellites make visibility an issue for about an hour or so, depending on viewers location.
Plus it could interfere with radio wavelengths while space exploration efforts take place.
SpaceX has heard the complaints of the astronomy community and is acting to relieve their woes.
SpaceX's president and CEO, Gwynne Shotwell assured reporters revealed the next batch of satellites scheduled for launch before the end of 2019 will have a prototype coating in an effort to reduce reflection of the suns rays.
This will, in theory, make the satellites less visible in the sky and if successful all future Starlink satellites will receive the treatment.
She also stated that it is not SpaceX's intention to innovate at the expense of stargazing for others and curbing younger generations interest in astronomy and space.
To be fair, neither Starlink nor the astronomy community who knew of the planned project thought of the implications of a train of satellites in the sky.
Here's hoping there is a mutually beneficial solution in place soon.
Thanks for reading.
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