UFO's Aren't Alien, And They Ain't American Says Pentagon.
Several U.S. intelligence officials recently wrote a report saying there's no evidence that the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) sighted recently - even objects that performed aerodynamic feats beyond the capabilities of human aircraft - are extraterrestrial.
Officials said in the report that the objects aren't made in the United States, either. If that's the case, what are these UFOs? According to the report, it's hard to say for sure since many of the likely explanations - weather balloons or other airborne experiments, for instance - are contradicted by the objects' unusual speed or maneuverability.
The New York Times reported June 3 that "senior administration officials" who were briefed on the report's findings included these and other assessments of unexplained sightings.
An encounter between a Navy Super Hornet and an unknown object.
Congress will get the report by June 25 and then it'll be made public, the Times reported. But the government is keeping parts of the report secret, even though this part of it won't conclude that the phenomena are alien spacecraft, according to the Times.
UFOs were described in more than 120 incidents in the report going back more than two decades. U.S. citizens were involved in a lot of these sightings. Navy personnel, the Times said. The Times reported that one explanation for some UFOs - and a source of concern for military officials and intelligence agencies - is that they are examples of hypersonic technology developed in China or Russia.
On Dec. 21, 2020, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee ordered the director of national intelligence and defense secretary to produce a report on UFO sightings and propose new standards for recording and reviewing them, Live Science previously reported.
Over the past few years, U.S. Pilots in the Navy captured and shared footage of a mysterious object that seemed to fly super fast with no visible propulsion. The footage reignited a long-standing fascination with UFOs that began in 1947 with reports of a "flying saucer" spotted in U.S. airspace, causing the launch of the U.S., according to the National Archives Foundation, the Air Force's UFO-investigating Project Blue Book.
More recently, on May 14, a UFO filmmaker shared footage of a UFO that "the U.S. Navy photographed and filmed" as it hovered over the ocean and then dove under the waves. Pentagon spokeswoman confirms U.S. Navy personnel took the footage but didn't give any details about the object.
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